An ugly cow and a mouse are six in one, so it is best to find an object belonging to a mouse, which is a superior marriage. Secondly, it is a three-in-one marriage with a snake and a chicken, so it is also appropriate to find a snake or a chicken. This is an excellent marriage. Ugly cows collide with sheep, so it is most taboo to find sheep. This is an inferior marriage. Ugly cows and sheep and dogs constitute three punishments, so it is most taboo to find sheep and dogs, which is inferior marriage. Ugly cows are also harmful to the afternoon horse, so it is not appropriate to find a horse.
A noble animal belonging to an ox: a mouse
Among the twelve branches, the ugly and the ugly are combined into the earth. The people of the zodiac mouse and the people of the zodiac cow can not only live in harmony, but also easily develop a tacit understanding. The relationship between them is relatively stable, and there is not much difference in ideas and concepts. Their views and opinions are often consistent, so they are very suitable for working partners. They can complement each other and learn from each other's strengths. In terms of marriage, the two can get what they need and benefit each other.
A noble animal belonging to the ox: Chicken
Among the twelve branches, the three elements are combined into a golden bureau, and the people who are combined together can often increase their strength. Although the people who are born with the zodiac cows are often very reluctant to associate with the people who are born with the zodiac chickens, they rarely have deep feelings. However, there is no denying that the people who are born with the zodiac chickens and the people who are born with the zodiac cows can often treat the zodiac.
A noble animal belonging to an ox: a snake
Among the twelve branches of the earth, the triad of the past, the ugliness, and the lack of unity is second only to the triad. People who are born with the zodiac ox and those who are born with the zodiac snake are always caring for them, especially in group cooperation, and they rarely disagree for the benefit, which can be described as dedication and hard work. In terms of marriage, people who are born in the zodiac and those who are born in the zodiac are often very sweet and happy together.