Decorative paintings and oil paintings belong to trademark category 16, group 1607
1607-Photographs, pictures, drawings
New non-standard: painting reproductions 1607, graphic arts Prints 1607, Printed art reproductions 1607 Drawings 160014, Watercolors 160020, Engravings 160028, Lithographs 160029, Framed or unframed paintings 160030, Color lithographs 160090, Pictures for printing 160119, Etchings 160129, Calligraphy and painting engravings Works 160168, lithographs 160187, lithograph oil paintings 160204, portraits 160228
※New Year pictures C160053, propaganda paintings C160054, oil paintings C160055, paper cuts C160056
Stamps 160260
Photos (Printed) 160147, device for mounting photos 160219, photo frame 160220, photo plate 160221
※Photo corner C160057
Crafts need to be classified according to material,
Handcrafts made of precious metals are the 14th class of trademarks in Group 1403 - jewelry, jewellery, precious stones and souvenirs made of precious metals:
Jade carving art C140004, silver handicraft C140006, jade carving jewelry C140007, angle , bone, tooth, jewelry and works of art C140008, magnetic therapy jewelry C140009, cloisonné handicrafts C140010
The handicrafts made of bamboo, rattan, brown and grass materials belong to the 2005 group of Class 20 trademarks and do not fall into other categories Bamboo, rattan, palm and grass products:
Wheat straw crafts C200026, bamboo crafts C200019, bamboo and wood crafts C200020, grass crafts C200043
and 2006 group of unprocessed or semi-processed bones , horns, teeth, bones and crafts not belonging to other categories:
Nut shell crafts 2006, Lacquerware crafts C200023, Feathered animal hair crafts C200024, Cork crafts C200025, Bark paintings C200028, Clay sculpture crafts C200029, FRP handicrafts C200030, resin handicrafts C200031, resin figurines C200037, etc.
There are also handicrafts made of ceramic materials that belong to Group 2104 of the 21st class of trademarks. Glass, porcelain, and pottery handicrafts:
Porcelain Ornaments 210078, Figurines of porcelain, porcelain, clay or glass 210217, Works of art of porcelain, porcelain, clay or glass 210234, Figurine busts of porcelain, porcelain, clay or glass 210252, Figurines of porcelain, porcelain, clay or glass 210285
※Tang Sancai C210030, crystal handicraft C210054, crystal painting C210058
For the same reason, statues are also classified according to materials. Metal statues are Category 6, Group 0622, ordinary metal art, bronze (art) :
Bronze artwork 060056, Ordinary metal statue 060244, Ordinary metal art 060278, Ordinary metal bust 060307, ??Ordinary metal figurine 060382, Ordinary metal figurine 060382
Precious metal materials are Class 14 trademarks of Group 1403 jewelry, jewellery, gemstones and souvenirs made of precious metals:
Precious metal bust 140123, Precious metal figurine 140146, Precious metal figurine 140146, jade carving art Product C140004, silver crafts C140006, jade jewelry C140007