Trademarks are divided into commodity trademarks and service trademarks. The commodity classification table is divided into categories 1-45, of which 1-34 are commodity trademarks and 35-45 are service trademarks. A service mark, also known as a service mark or service mark, refers to a mark used by operators providing services to distinguish the services they provide from those provided by others. Like product trademarks, service marks can be composed of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos, sounds and color combinations, as well as combinations of the above elements. Once it is registered by a service enterprise, the enterprise also has the exclusive right to use the service trademark and is protected by law. Which category does a service trademark belong to? How to apply for service trademark registration? There are 45 categories of trademarks, 34 categories are product trademarks, and 11 categories are service trademarks!
In trademark registration, service trademarks are divided into categories 35 to 45, as detailed below:
Category 35: Advertising; industrial operations; industrial management; office affairs.
Category 36: Insurance; Finance; Monetary Affairs; Real Estate Affairs.
Category 37: House construction; repair; installation services.
Category 38: Telecommunications.
Category 39: Transportation; commodity packaging and storage; travel arrangements.
Category 40: Material Handling.
Category 41: Education; provision of training; entertainment; cultural and sports activities.
Category 42: Scientific and technical services and related research and design services; industrial analysis and research; design and development of computer hardware and software.
Category 43: Provision of food and beverage services; temporary accommodation.
Category 44: Medical services; Veterinary services; Hygiene and grooming services for humans or animals; Agricultural, horticultural or forestry services.
Category 45: Legal services; private and social services provided by others to meet personal needs; services to protect property and personal safety.
The procedures for registration of service trademarks are similar to those for trademark applications for product types:
1. First search for the trademark. If there is no identical or similar one before, you can make an application. Documents and application submitted;
2. About one month after the application is submitted, the Trademark Office will issue an application acceptance notice (this period is called the formal examination stage).
3. After the formal review is completed, it will enter the substantive review stage. This stage will take about one to one and a half years.
4. If the substantive examination is passed, the announcement process will be entered (this period is 3 months, also called the objection period);
5. After the announcement period expires, no one raises objections . You can get the registration certificate.
Preparation of application materials for service trademark registration:
1. A drawing of the trademark is required;
2. The scope of goods or services to be used for the registered trademark;
3. Identity documents: A. For company applications: a copy of the company's business license is required; B. For individual applications: a copy of the individual industrial and commercial household's business license and personal ID card are required
If for If you don’t know much about service trademark registration, you can find a professional trademark agency like Intellectual Property to help you handle such matters more safely. Trademark registration applicationTrademark registration process