How to trade trademarks? What are the precautions for trademark trading?
how to trade trademarks? What are the precautions for trademark trading? The online application for trademark registration is fully open and the application fee is reduced, which leads to a sharp increase in the number of trademark registration applications and an increasingly difficult trademark registration. Trademark transaction has the advantages of direct acquisition of trademark rights, simple transfer procedures, low risk of transfer, and immediate use after transfer is approved. So how to trade trademarks? What are the precautions for trademark trading? How to trade trademarks? What are the precautions for trademark trading? How to trade trademarks 1: Transfer of similar trademarks together A trademark registrant shall transfer the similar trademarks registered on the same commodity or the same or similar trademarks registered on similar commodities together. How to conduct a trademark transaction 2: You need to submit a notarial certificate. Generally, an application for trademark transfer requires the submission of the original notarial certificate of the trademark transferor's consent to transfer the trademark. In the process of trademark transfer, if the original notarial certificate of trademark transfer is not submitted, the Trademark Office will give the applicant a chance to make corrections. If it fails to make corrections at the due date or fails to make corrections as required, the transfer application will be rejected or regarded as abandoned. How to conduct trademark transactions III: Is the name and address of the trademark registrant consistent with the name and address on the business license? If the name and address on the transferor's business license are not consistent with the name and address on the transferred trademark registration certificate, the Trademark Office will reject the transfer application. According to the provisions of the Trademark Law, if the name and address of the owner of a registered trademark are changed, the change procedures must be handled. If it fails to make corrections within the due period or fails to make corrections as required, the transfer will not be approved or deemed to be abandoned. How to conduct trademark transactions IV: Prevent the transferor from transferring a registered trademark repeatedly. The transferee must not only listen to the transferor's rhetoric and the trademark registration certificate provided, but also investigate whether the transferor is a trademark registrant and whether the transferor's name matches the applicant's name recorded in the archives of the Trademark Office. Because the period for the Trademark Office to review trademark transfer applications has been extended to 6 to 12 months, it is sometimes difficult to obtain accurate information only from the Trademark Office's China Trademark Network.