Where is the trademark registration? how much is it?
1. Check with the Trademark Office in official website.
2. Entrust a trademark agency to inquire.
3. Free inquiry system for intellectual property trademarks
According to the words and pictures of the trademark pattern, and the combination of the two, make an inquiry to see if there are similar or identical trademarks. If an approximate or identical trademark has been registered, it is necessary to readjust and modify the applied trademark until the approximate or identical trademark is no longer registered.
Trademark inquiry depends not only on whether the trademark is registered, but also on whether it contains prohibited words and whether it is significant. There are many forbidden words, and it is not necessarily possible to judge whether to include them by querying yourself. Therefore, for those who have no experience and relevant knowledge in trademark registration, it is not recommended to inquire about registration by themselves.
Professional trademark agency, familiar with trademark related laws and regulations and trademark registration process. By querying the trademark results, we can analyze and judge the success rate of trademark registration, which greatly reduces the risk of trademark registration.
The above is the relevant answer to the question "where can I find out how much a trademark is registered?" If you have any other questions, you are welcome to consult our customer service staff in official website for free, and they will try their best to serve you.
Trademark registration process and cost in 2022 trademark registration inquiry