1.make up to sb to please, please someone
2.make up for sth in/with make up for sth
3.make towards sth move, move to
4.make sth of sb/sth understand, understand
5.make sb/sth into sth make (become)...
6.make out to hear, see, identify
7.make off to slip away, leave in a hurry
8.make off with sth to snatch, take away (Other people’s things)
9.make for sth go towards..., move towards...
10.make away with sb/sth Steal (something)
11.make the most of (same as make the best of)
12.make use of sth. make use of something
13.make a go of sth try your best to make something successful
14.make too much of attach too much importance
15.make a day/night/evening of it spend all day / do something all night long , say... as
18.make out a case (for) find sufficient reasons to prove (explain)
19.make sb. doing sth. let Someone keeps doing something
20.make sth. done means asking others to help complete something
21.make sb do sth let someone do something
< p>22.make sb be+adj.23.make good use of/make full use of
24.make ends meet to make ends meet
25.make no sense, make no sense, cannot be understood
26.make sense of understanding
27.make up; edit, create
28.make for is helpful, beneficial
29.make up of is composed of...
30.be made of/from is composed of...
31.be made in...
32.make it successfully
33.make sb. out understand, understand
34. make money make money make
v. (verb)
Past tense: made [meid] Present participle: making['me?k?], third person singular makes [meiks]< /p>
To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create:
To cause to exist or happen; to cause to happen; to create :
made problems for him; making a commotion.
Creating problems for him; causing riots
To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; c
Made into existence by shaping, modifying or putting materials together; build:
make a dress; made a wall of stones.
Making clothes; building stone walls
To form by assembling individuals or constituents:
Integration: forming by combining individuals or constituents :
make a quorum.
Meet quorum
To change from one form or function to another:< /p>
Change function: convert one form or function into another:
make clay into bricks.
Make clay into bricks
To cause to be or become:
make her position clear; a decision that made him happy.
Make her status clear; this decision makes him happy
To cause to assume a specified function or role:< /p>
As, as: to have a specific function or to become a certain role:
made her treasurer; made Chicago his home.
Regard her as a cashier member; considered Chicago his home
To cause to act in a specified manner:
Cause, cause: cause in a specific way Action:
Heat makes gases expand.
Heat makes gases expand
To compel:
< p>Prompt:made him leave.
Force him to leave
To form in the mind:
p>Form it in your mind:
make an estimate.
Make an estimate
To compose:
make verses.
Create poetry
To prepare; fix:
Prepare; arrange:
make breakfast.
Prepare breakfast
To get ready or set in order for use:
Prepare or prepare for use:
made the bed.
Make the bed
To gather and light the materials for (a fire).
To gather materials and light (a fire)
(14)< /p>
To engage in:
Engage in:
make war.
Start a war
To carry out; perform:
make a telephone call; make an incision.
Take a call; make an incision< /p>
To achieve
, produce, or attain:
Realize, produce, achieve:
made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
To establish peace between two factions; meaningless; not reaching quota
To institute or establish; enact:
Establish: Formulate or establish; promulgate:
make laws.
Make laws
To draw up and execute in a suitable form:
Make: draw up and implement in a suitable form:
make a will.
Make a will
(19)< /p>
To arrive at; reach:
arrive; arrive:
made Washington in two hours.
arrive in Washington within two hours< /p>
To reach in time:
Catch up in time:
just made the plane.
Just in time for the plane
To attain the rank or position of:
To attain the rank or position of:
>She made lieutenant.
Her military rank is lieutenant
To acquire a place in or on:
< p>Make up, get: Get a position:made the basketball team; made the morning papers.
Made the basketball team; received the morning papers
( 23)
To gain or earn, as by working:
earn: earn or obtain by working:
make money.
< p>Make money(24)
To behave so as to acquire:
To behave so as to acquire:
< p>make friends.Make friends
To score or achieve, as in a sport:
Score: To score or succeed in a sports match:
made a field goal.
To assure the success of:
Ensuring the success of:
A favorable review from him can make a play.
A favorable review from him can make a play.
To favor the development of:
In favor of the development of:
Practice makes a winning team.
Diligent training will help the team win
To be suited for:
Suitable for:
p>Oak makes strong furniture.
Oak is suitable for durable furniture
To develop into:
develop into
To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of:
Conclude as to the significance or nature of:
don't know what to make of the decision.
Don’t know how to make a decision
To calculate as being; estimate:
< p>I make the height 20 feet.I estimate it is 20 feet high
To consider as being:
Think it is:
wasn't the problem some people made it.
Some people don't think this is a problem
To constitute:
Twenty members make a quorum.
Twenty members make a quorum
( 34)
To add up to:
Equal to:
Two and two make four.
Two plus two makes four
To amount to:
Close, equivalent to:
makes no difference.
No What is the difference
To constitute the essence or nature of:
Architecture: to constitute the essence or nature of:
Clothes make the man.
You can know a person by his clothes
To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding:
< p>Make it meaningful: Make it particularly interesting or worthwhile:You made my day.
You made my life particularly meaningful
( 38)
To appear to begin (an action):
Prepare: Look to begin (an action):
She made to leave.
She is preparing to leave
To act or behave in a specified manner:
To act or behave in a specified manner:
make merry; make free.
Make it happily; do it freely
To begin or appear to begin an action :
Prepare to do: start or seem to start an action:
made as if to shake my hand.
As if to shake my hand
To cause something to be as specified:
Confirm: make something clear:
make ready; make sure .
Get ready; confirm
To proceed in a certain direction:
To proceed in a certain direction:<
made for home; made after the thief.
Go home; chase the thief
Slang To pretend to be; imitate. Used withlike:
Slang to pretend; to imitate.
Used with like:
made like a ballerina.
Imitate a ballerina
To undergo fabrication or manufacture:
Production: Written or produced to become:
This wool makes up into a warm shawl.
This wool makes up into a warm shawl
To rise or accumulate:
Rise or accumulate:
The tide is making.
The tide is rising
n. (noun)
The act or process of making; manufacturing.
Manufacturing: making Or the action or process of production; production
The style or manner in which a thing is made:
The style or manner in which a thing is made:
The style or manner of producing something Style or manner:
disliked the make of her coat.
Disliked the style of her clothes
The amount produced, especially the output of a factory.
Production quantity: the quantity produced, especially the output of a factory
A specific line of manufactured goods, identified by the manufacturer's name or the registered trademark:
Brand: a specific type of product, identified by the manufacturer's name or the registered trademark:
a famous make of shirt.
Brand-brand shirt
The physical or moral nature of a person; character or disposition:
Character: A person's physical or mental essence; character or temperament:
found out what make of man he was.
Know what kind of person he is
Slang Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records:
Slang Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records: From the message:
Did you get a make on the assailant?
Did you get information about the attacker? make for
(1 )
To have or cause to have a particular effect or result:
Cause, contribute to: have or promote a particular effect or result:
small details that make for comfort.
Comfortable little details
To help promote; further:
Help improve; promote:
makes for better communication.
Promote better communication
make off
To depar
t in haste; run away.
Leave in a hurry; run away
make out
To discern or see, especially with difficulty:
Distinguish: distinguish or see clearly, especially with difficulty:
I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain.
I can barely see the traffic signs in the rain
To understand:
could not make out what she was saying.
Can't understand what she was saying
To write out; draw up:
< p>Write it down; list:made out the invoices.
Issue an invoice
To fill in ( a form, for example).
Fill in (such as a form)
Informal To imply or suggest:
Not Formal language hints, suggestions:
You make me not to be a liar.
You make me not to be a liar
Informal To try to establish or prove:
Informal To try to establish or prove:
He made out that he was innocent.
He tried to prove himself Is innocent
To get along in a given way; fare:
Progress: To move forward on a given road; progress:< /p>
made out well in business.
made out well in business
To neck; pet.
Kissing each other; caressing
To have sexual intercourse.
Have sexual intercourse
make over
To redo; renovate.
Modification; innovation
To change or transfer the ownership of, usually by means of a legal document:
Transfer: change or Transfer ownership, usually through a legal document:
made over the property to her son.
make up
To put together; construct or compose:
To put together; construct or compose:
make up a prescription.
Prescribe a prescription
To constitute; form:
Constitute; composition:
One hundred years make up a century.
One hundred years make up a century
To alt
er one's appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.
Makeup: To change someone's appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume or cosmetics
To apply cosmetics.
Use cosmetics to make up
To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent:
Invent, fabricate: make up a novel or lie; fabricate:
made up an excuse.
Make up an excuse
(6 )
To make good (a deficit or lack):
make up: to make up for (a deficit or lack):
made up the difference in the bill.< /p>
To compensate for:
To compensate for:
make up the lost time.
Make up the lost time
To resolve a quarrel:
Reconciliation: pacification A quarrel:
kissed and made up.
Kissed and made up.
To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used withto:
To be attentive, to please: to make suggestions that are attentive or flattering.
Used with to:
made up to his friend's boss.
to show courtesy to his friend's boss
To take (an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.
Make-up examination, make-up course: re-examination or class after a period of time because of previous absence or failure
< p>(11)To set in order:
Tidy up:
make up a room.
Tidy up the room Good
Printing To select and arrange material for:
Typography typesetting, full page:
made up the front page.
Format the cover
make with slang
To bring into use:
< p>Use:a flirt making with the eyes.
Flirting with the eyes
To put forth; produce :
Grow; make:
always making with the jokes.
make a clean breast of
To confess fully.
Be honest
make a face
To distort the features of the face; grimace.
Change the appearance of the face ;make a face
make a go of
To achieve success in:
have made a go of the business.
The business is successful
make away with
To carry off; steal.
p>Process; steal
To use up or consume.
Use up or consume
( 3)
To kill or destroy.
Kill or destroy
make believe
To pretend.
make bold
To venture:
I will not make so bold as to criticize such a distinguished scholar .
I would not risk criticizing such an outstanding scholar
make book game
To accept bets on a race, game, or contest.< /p>
To accept bets on a horse race, match or contest
make do
To manage to get along with the means available:
With hand had to make do on less income.
had to make do on less income.
make ends m
To manage so that one's means are sufficient for one's needs.
Balance: To manage so that one's property and expenses are balanced
make eyes< /p>
To ogle.
to make fun of
To mock; ridicule.
to mock ;Taunt
make good
To carry out successfully:
To carry out successfully:
He made good his escape.
He escaped successfully
To fulfill:
To fulfill:
p>She made good her promise.
She fulfilled her promise
To make compensation for; make up for:
Compensate; make up:
made good the loss.
Make up for the loss
To succeed:
made good as a writer.
Become a successful writer
make hay
To turn to one's advantage:
To turn to one's advantage:
The candidate's opponents made hay of the scandal.
The candidate's opponents took advantage of This scandal was rigged
make it
Informal To be successful:
Informal To be successful:< /p>
Finally made it as an actor.
Finally made it as a successful actor
Slang To have sexual intercourse .
Slang for having sex
make light of
To treat as unimportant:
Contempt; ignore:
< p>He made light of his illness.He ignored his illness
make love
To engage in amorous caressing.
Make caressing movements
To engage in sexual intercourse.
Have sex
make much of
To treat as of great importance.
valuation of treatment
make no bones about
To be forthright and candid about; acknowledge freely:
Be forthright and candid about; acknowledge freely:
They make no bones about their dislike for each other.
They make no secret of their dislike for each other
make off with
To snatch or steal:
Take or steal:
de off with the profits.
Take away the profits
make sail
To begin a voyage.< /p>
Start sail
To set sail.
Zhang Fan
make the grade
To measure up to a given standard.
Meet a given standard
make the most of
To use to the greatest advantage.< /p>
Make maximum use
make the scene slang
To put in an appearance:
made the scene at the party.
Appear at the party
To participate in a specified activity:
Participate in specific activities:
made the drug scene.
Participate in drug activities
make time
< p>(1)To move or travel fast, as in an attempt to compensate for lost time.
To make up for time: to move or travel faster in order to make up for lost time< /p>
Slang To make progress toward attracting:
Slang is more attractive:
He tried to make time with the new neighbor.
He tries to gain favor with his new neighbor
make tracks slang
To move or leave in a hurry.
hurry To walk away or leave
make up (one's) mind
To decide between alternatives; come to a definite decision or opinion.
To make a choice; to make a decision Or make an opinion
make waves slang
To cause a disturbance or controversy.
Cause a disturbance or controversy
make way
To give room for passage; move aside.
Give way; move aside
< p>To make progress.Make progress
on the make slang
Aggressively striving for financial or social improvement :
Desperately pursuing economic or social improvement:
a young executive on the make.
A young manager pursuing progress
< p>(2)Eagerly seeking a sexual partner.
Eagerly seeking a partner (1)
Middle English maken
Middle English English maken
rom Old English macian * see mag-
From Old English macian *see mag- mak "able
adj. (adjective) make
vi.< /p>
Forward, for (for)
They were making towards the river.
They were making towards Walk to the river. ② start (do sth.); act like...; seem to be
He made to go.
He is leaving.
She made to reply and then stopped.
She seemed to be about to reply but then stopped.
(Tide, etc.) rise; increase, increase
The tide is making now.
The tide is rising at the moment.
Be processed; being made
Toys are making in the shop.
This workshop is making toys
[Followed by adjective. , indicating a certain state or method]
make sure
find out
make ready
get ready
make merry
(among cards) shuffle; (a card) eat other people's cards
Manufacturing (method); structure; style; (production) source
Output (of a certain period in a mine, etc.)
Temperament; quality; physique
Electric closure
(Cards) (Take turns) Shuffle
a man of this make
This kind person of character
at make
at the connected position
Is this your ownmake?
This is what you make yourself ? double make
double closed
percent make
pulse duty factor
quick make
quick Close [Connect]
short make
Shortage of copy production
slow make
Slowly connect make shape fashion construct manufacture
p>Both of them mean "to make," "to make," "to make or make into something."
Make is a commonly used word, which refers to "any production, formation or composition, such as:
This machine is made in China.
This machine is made in China
shape means "formed by shaping, casting, cutting, and beating, such as:
< p>The child shaped clay into balls.The child shaped clay into balls.
Fashion refers to "something made with a certain shape by hand, certain tools or raw materials, but usually implies the inventor's talent, such as:
They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,.
They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,.
They discovered that they could shear sheep, take the wool, weave it and fashion the material into warm coats and suits,. To make warm clothes out of wool
Construct means "to combine many parts into a whole according to the design, such as:
They constructed a big bridge.
They built a bridge.
Manufacture refers to "production or manufacturing with machines, especially "large-scale production and manufacturing using machines, such as:
We can manufacture high -precision machine tools.
We can build precision machine tools.
Make, include-file
C source code often has a series of included header files at the beginning, such as stdio.h. Some are system-level header files, and some are header files for the project you are writing:
#include foo.h
int main(....
To make sure that this file will be recompiled after your foo.h is changed, write this in your Makefile:
foo: foo.c foo.h
As your project gets bigger and you have more and more header files of your own, keep track of all those header files and all Dependent files can be a pain. If you change one of the header files and forget to recompile all the source files that depend on it, the results will be disappointing. gcc has an option to analyze your source files. Then generate a list of header files and their dependencies:
If you add the following to your Makefile:
<. p>gcc -E -MM *.c > .dependThen run make depend, and a .depend will be generated, which contains a list of target files, C files and header files:
foo.o: foo.c foo.h
If you change foo.h, the next time you run make, all files that depend on foo.h will be recompiled
p>Every time you add a header file, don’t forget to run make depend Modern English-Chinese Comprehensive Dictionary
Make, make, cause; create, draft, formulate, set, collect , prepare
make a coat
make coat
make cloth
weave cloth
make enemies< /p>
Make enemies
make a self criticism
Make self-criticism
Don't make noise.
Don't make noise. .
You make too much fuss about trifles.
You make too much fuss about trifles.
arrangement, organization, training
make a fire
make a fire
make the bed
Make the bed
make tea
Make tea
Make hay while the sun shines.
[Proverb] Take advantage of the sunny weather and don’t miss the opportunity.
Constitution, composition
Oxygen and hydrogen make water.
Oxygen and hydrogen make water.
One tree does not make a wood.
One tree does not make a forest.
Force; prompt
Can you make the horse go?
Can you make the horse go?
His father wants to make him a doctor [to make a doctor of him].
His father wants to make him a doctor.
He soon made himself understood.
He soon made himself understood.
Become, become
If you work hard, you will make a good athlete.
If you are willing Work hard and you will become a good athlete.
Get; earn, earn
make a reputation
Get a reputation
The picture makes a good price.
This painting can be sold at a good price.
She made good marks at school.
She did very well in school.
Implement, carry out
make social investigation
Carry out social investigation
make war< /p>
Go to war
Equal; equal
Twelve inches make one foot.
Twelve inches equals one foot.
Conjecture; calculation, think
What do you make the time?
What do you think (at this time) O'clock?
He is not an ass [a goose] as they make him.
He is not as stupid as everyone thinks.
arrive; arrive
We made the airport in an hour.
We made the airport in less than an hour. .
Go; march; [slang] catch up
The train makes 70 kilometres an hour.
This train The speed is 70 kilometers per hour.
I don't think he will make the morning train.
I don't think he will make the morning train.
I don't think he will make the morning train.
Electricity (current) connection
Execute; sign, conclude
< p>make a bowbow
make a contract
make a contract
Posted , say, propose
make a speech
[American] speech
happen; make happen; become.. Reasons for .
make a good dinner [meal]
A good meal
< p>(17)Act like...
make a fool of oneself
make oneself a laughing stock
Become; become a member of..., get a position in...
He made the college basketball-ball team.
He made Become a college basketball player.
Navigation began to see
We made a cruiser in the distance.
We saw a cruiser in the distance. ⑵⑽ (in playing cards) shuffle (cards); fill (the number of bids); play (cards) to win one round; win (one round) ⑵
[ slang] to cause sexual intercourse with, to seduce.