first of all, the trademark examination institution is the State Trademark Office, not the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If the trademark office passes the preliminary examination, anyone can raise an objection within the three-month announcement period, and it is necessary to explain the reasons for the objection. At this time, Mr. Huang only needs to make an objection reply, explaining that the reason is that there is no cross-class examination and the goods are not similar (that is, no one has applied for an iphone or a trademark similar to it in the 11th category after the trademark office passes the preliminary examination). Apple said that infringement needs to provide reasons.
If the Trademark Office considers Apple's objection to be valid, it will not announce the registration, and Mr. Huang can also file an objection review procedure.
If the Trademark Office thinks that Apple's objection is not valid, it will make a registration announcement and issue a registration certificate.