The Trademark Law stipulates the protection of geographical indications in Article 16: "If a trademark contains a geographical indication of a commodity and the commodity does not originate from the area marked by the mark, it will not be registered and its use will be prohibited. However, if it has been registered in good faith, it will continue to be valid. " This means that China will protect geographical indications mentioned in the Agreement on Intellectual Property Rights through trademarks, that is, by applying for trademark registration, geographical indications will be protected according to the Trademark Law.
Legal objectivity:
trademark act
Article 16
If a trademark contains a geographical indication of a commodity, and the commodity does not come from the area marked by the indication, which misleads the public, it shall not be registered and its use shall be prohibited;
However, the registration in good faith continues to be effective.
The geographical indications mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to the indication that a commodity originates from a certain region, and the specific quality, reputation or other characteristics of the commodity are mainly determined by natural factors or human factors in the region.