Hello, if a company registers a trademark, it needs to provide the following materials:
Copy of the company's business license with official seal;
Trademark style;
< p>Trademark agency power of attorney;Products selected for trademark registration;
Trademark registration process:
The time for trademark acceptance is about one and a half months;
The trademark trial period is 9 months (the Trademark Office said after the two sessions that it would shorten the trial period to 6 months, but it has not been officially implemented yet);
Trademark There will be a 3-month publicity period after passing the preliminary review announcement;
The time for printing the certificate is about one and a half months;
The total time from trademark application to getting the certificate is *** The duration is a little more than 1 year.
The market price of trademark registration is between 1600-2200. If you have any questions, you can send me a private message. I'll continue to answer your questions.