What do you need to know and pay attention to when entering Suning.com
Many merchants who want to enter Suning.com are not very clear about the conditions for entering Suning.com and the matters that need to be paid attention to. This may cause some trouble in the application for settlement. In order to let everyone know more about Suning.com's settlement instructions and matters that need to be paid attention to, the editor of Shuanshou has compiled them below for your reference.
Instructions for entering Suning.com are as follows:
1. Suning Yuntai does not currently accept applications from individual industrial merchants. The merchants must be registered enterprises, and they will not be accepted. Application for settlement by non-Mainland Chinese enterprises;
2. Merchants must provide consumers with formal invoices, and the company name stamped on the invoice must be consistent with the name of the company that the merchant cooperates with Suning;
3. Merchants must be the brand owners of the goods they operate, or be able to provide brand sales authorization certificates or agency authorization letters;
4. Have a basic e-commerce operation team, and also have complete capabilities and After-sales service capabilities.
Things to note regarding the submission of settlement qualifications are as follows:
1. Merchants are required to upload the corresponding scanned copies correctly and ensure they are clear;
2. All The scanned copies need to be stamped with your company’s red official seal;
3. The business license needs to be inspected annually in 2013. If it was registered in 2014, it does not need to be inspected;
4. The organization code needs to be Annual inspection is required in 2013. If registered in 2014, annual inspection is not required;
5. General taxpayers are required to undergo annual inspection in 2013 or attach a letter of annual inspection exemption. If registered as a general taxpayer in 2014, annual inspection is not required;
6. Please upload the trademark registration certificate together with the brand authorization letter at all levels (it can be uploaded as a picture);
7. The brand name must strictly follow the Chinese or Chinese version on the trademark registration certificate. Fill in English.