Company name: Chinese name can be added to the company name, and the name can end with "LIMITED Company", such as LIMITED, CORPORATION, INCORPORATED or their abbreviations, such as LTD, CORP or Inc. , and the company name cannot contain "trust company", "securities", "bank" or other words with similar meanings;
Company directors: A company director may have one or more persons, who may be legal persons or natural persons, without any nationality restrictions, and provide a scanned ID card or passport of the company director.
Shareholders of the Company: at least one person. Shareholders and directors of a company can be the same person, a natural person or a legal person, and there is no nationality restriction.
Registered address of the company: It must be located in Marshall Islands.
Registered capital of the company: the standard registered capital is USD 50,000, and it is not necessary to actually put it in place.
Company Secretary: There is no mandatory need for a company secretary, but you can choose freely. It is suggested to appoint a company secretary.