Brand model: iPhone 13 pro
System: iOS 15.5
Software version: Pinduoduo 6.19.0
The trademark of Pinduoduo flagship store requires its own trademark or authorized trademark. Private trademarks are for individuals and individual stores, and the registrant of the trademark is the company that opens the store or the legal representative of the company that opens the store; authorized trademarks are for ordinary/exclusive/specialized/flagship store types. If the trademark registrant is the store manager, this type of trademark The situation also belongs to an authorized trademark, so for an authorized trademark, in addition to submitting the trademark registration certificate, the applicant also needs to upload a brand authorization certificate.
The requirements for entering Pinduoduo will vary depending on the type of store. A trademark application in TM status needs to be filed for more than 6 months from the application time, and the updated status on the trademark website is the acceptance notice, and the trademark validity period is 2 years.
Trademarks under application can also be uploaded but they need to meet the following two conditions: the application time must be more than 6 months ago. The application time must be less than 2 years ago (trademarks that have not been successfully applied for more than 2 years are not supported for admission).
If you want to open a retail flagship store: upload 35 categories of trademarks including 3503 similar groups; upload at least one entity trademark that matches the main category (either your own trademark or an authorized trademark) ; Entity trademarks: trademarks under categories 35; Service trademarks: trademarks under categories 35 and above. Specialized stores and flagship stores do not support changing trademark brands. Specialized stores can upload new trademark and brand authorization in the merchant management backend-store information-brand qualification.