If you find that other advertisements on the search results page have fraudulently used your company's brand trademark and name, please contact your agent immediately, and your agent will assist you in filling out the Sogou trademark protection application form. , you need to provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate and business license, and your agent will be responsible for uploading it to Sogou headquarters for review. After the headquarters customer service has passed the review, your trademark word will be submitted to the trademark protection list. According to Sogou's trademark protection policy, Start protecting the registered trademark word you applied for.
If you are not a Sogou customer yet:
If you find that other advertisements on the search results page have fraudulently used your company’s brand, trademark and name, please contact Sogou headquarters customer service immediately to report Send the Sogou trademark protection application form, trademark registration certificate, and business license copy to Sogou customer service. After approval by the headquarters customer service, your trademark will be submitted to the trademark protection list. According to Sogou’s trademark protection strategy, we will start processing your application. Register a trademark word for protection.