After checking on the trademark search website, there are dozens of registered trademarks with this name, which are registered in different categories. If you want to apply for registration, you need to determine what goods it is used on, otherwise it may I will not be able to apply.
Trademark registration process:
Trademark inquiry (within 2 days)→Application document preparation (within 3 days)→Submit application (within 2 days)→Pay trademark registration fee→Trademark form review (1 months)→Issuance of trademark acceptance notice→Trademark substantive examination (12 months)→Trademark announcement (3 months)→Issuance of trademark certificate
Log in? or call 010-82685045 You can check trademarks for free, and a professional trademark consultant team is waiting for you to consult. The customer service is online 24/7 and you can consult at any time if you have any trademark issues.