1. First, look at the category. Sometimes when a trademark has the same name, different categories will have different effects. Therefore, no matter how good the name is, it must be supported by the category. For example, the "lasting" trademark mentioned above. Generally speaking, which categories are popular need to be analyzed based on the current entrepreneurial environment, but basic necessities, food, housing and transportation are always a mainstream choice. It is also highly favored in transactions, and the price naturally rises. 2. Secondly, it depends on reputation. Although the fit between the name and the category is very important, sometimes fame also plays a big role. Just looking at the name and category may not form any connection, nor can you see any commercial value. But after the TV series became popular, this word became a well-known buzz word, full of business opportunities. Some companies can also find inspiration and creativity from celebrities, popular words, etc., and their trademarks can be very attractive. Another situation is that after long-term use, a trademark has gained a certain reputation, which carries the reputation of the market and consumers, and also adds a lot of value to the trademark. 3. It also depends on whether the trademark is complete. According to the provisions of the Trademark Law, you can choose sub-categories for trademark registration, but during the application process, some sub-categories may be rejected. In the end, although you got the registration certificate, the scope of application It has also been greatly reduced, and even the key sub-categories have not been obtained. The value of such a trademark is greatly reduced. Therefore, trademarks that cover more categories tend to be more valuable.