690 represents China code. 690--699 are all Chinese codes, assigned internationally.
Commodity barcodes are generally divided into 4 parts, divided into 3-5-4-1 points. The first part represents the country, the second part represents the manufacturer, the third part represents the factory product code, and the fourth part Is the verification code:
Take the barcode 6936983800013 as an example
This barcode is divided into 4 parts, from left to right:
1-3 digits: ***3 digits, corresponding to 693 of this barcode, are one of the country codes of China. (690--699 are all Chinese codes, assigned internationally);
Digits 4-8: ***5 digits, corresponding to 69838 of the barcode, representing the manufacturer code, applied by the manufacturer , allocated by the country;
Digits 9-12: ***4 digits, corresponding to 0001 of the barcode, representing the product code in the factory, determined by the manufacturer;
Number 13 : ***1 digit, corresponding to the 3 of the barcode, is the check code, which is calculated from the previous 12 digits based on a certain algorithm (usually barcode software is used, and the software system automatically pops up the last check code).
Extended information:
300 ~ 379 France;
380 Bulgaria;
383 Slovenia;
387 Bosnia and Herzegovina;
400 ~ 440 Germany;
490 ~ 499 Japan;
460 ~ 469 Russia.
Coding requirements: There is only one code for a product item, a manufacturer, or a country (region). Once a product item, manufacturer, or country (region) is determined, it will never change.
Moreover, a set of numbers in the product barcode must also combine the country (region), manufacturer and product. This product item code can ensure that the code identification of the product is consistent across a country (region) and even the world. Be specific and singular. Although commodity barcodes are widely used in modern commodity sales automation management, they are often reflected on commodity packaging or attachments at the same time as trademarks, and are closely related to trademarks. However, due to the different functions between the two, the difference is also obvious.
Baidu Encyclopedia--Product Barcode