You should choose a pair of sneakers that are light in weight and comfortable to wear. If they are special shoes for badminton, the effect will be better.
Good badminton shoes can make your steps fly. When choosing, pay attention to the soles. It is best to use beef tendon soles, which will have better toughness and are suitable for indoor sports. If you are outdoors, you can choose high-grade rubber synthetic soles, which are also effective. The soles of badminton shoes are mostly made of raw rubber or artificial rubber. The soles of raw rubber are suitable for wooden courts because of their strong grip. Therefore, volleyball shoes can be used as dual-purpose shoes for badminton and volleyball. However, the soles of different brands will be harder due to the excessive proportion of raw rubber mixed with powder during the production process, and the soles will become very slippery after a short time without wear and tear, so you must be cautious when purchasing to avoid wasting money.
Artificial rubber soles are divided into hard soles and soft soles. Hard soles are like tennis shoes, suitable for cement or terrazzo grounds, while soft soles are designed to play on PU courts. The current badminton courts are divided into cement, wooden and PU courts. If a fall occurs on a cement court, the situation is often more serious than on a wooden or PU court, so it is not suitable for use as a competition venue. As for the wooden floor and the PU court, they have their own advantages. The wooden floor is more likely to become slippery due to moisture or sweat from players during the game. Although the PU court is as elastic as the wooden floor, PU has the ability to absorb shock, so PU is used in international competitions. The venue serves as a playing field.
No matter what kind of shoes you wear, the most important thing is to have a concept: it is best to wear the shoes for playing indoors when you want to play. The shoes become slippery due to dust, thus extending the life of the shoes.
The last thing to pay attention to is that badminton shoes should fit your feet when you put them on. They should not be too big or too small. It is best to choose a size with a toe head that is a little more empty than usual casual shoes. This way, you can Sufficient buffer space can help you perform well in sports and reduce your chance of injury.