1. Pinduoduo trademark registration certificate
Upload a photo of the product registration certificate or product acceptance notice when filling in the trademark registration certificate. If it is a copy or scan, it needs to be stamped with a red official seal. When uploading, please note that only the trademark registration certificate or trademark acceptance notice filled in with the product registration number or application number can be uploaded (it is also possible to upload pictures of the transfer, renewal, and change of the registration certificate). Uploading of irrelevant information will be rejected.
2. Brand authorization certificate
When filling in the Pinduoduo brand authorization certificate, you need to upload the complete authorization chain. If the trademark owner is A, the registered merchant is C, and the owner A will give If a certain company B authorizes, and B then authorizes C, then the office needs to upload the authorization document from A to B, and the authorization document from B to the resident company C. Otherwise, it will be rejected, and the upload of irrelevant documents will also be rejected.
If you need to upload more trademark registration certificates or trademark acceptance notices with different trademark registration numbers or application numbers, click Add More Trademark Information.