They are not the same family. There is a big difference between the little confused fairy and the century-old confused fairy. I prefer to drink strong-flavor liquor, and I have drunk the classic series of Puxian, Dianzang, Zhenzang, and Baiduxian’s Xiaobaibaijiu, Gold and Silver Century. In terms of the appearance of the wines from these two companies, the overall packaging of Xiaomushixian's classic series is more generous and looks very high-end. I personally don't like the packaging of Baiduxian. In terms of taste, Xiao Muxian's classic series are all 500ml wines. They have a very delicate and mellow taste, rich layers, a sweet aftertaste, and are not easy to get drunk after drinking. They are suitable for self-drinking or various daily occasions. Of the three Baidu Mudu wines, only Golden Century is 500ml. The other two wines have slightly less volume, and the taste is relatively good, but I don’t think it tastes as smooth as Xiao Mudu, so I personally prefer Xiao Mudu. A little fairy.