Words, English and graphics are three trademarks. You apply for registration together, but when the Trademark Office examines them, it means that you three trademarks should be examined together. If one of them fails, the whole will be rejected. Three trademarks are registered together, which greatly increases the risk of rejection; The gain is outweighed by the loss.
If these three trademarks only want to be used together, they can be registered separately and become three trademarks. If it is rejected, it can be remedied, and the rejected trademark can be modified or replaced and resubmitted. If these three trademarks pass, you can combine them at will according to your mood. Whether to form a "big" font or a "too" font, whether to face south or north, depends on the mood. However, if you register all three elements together, you will succeed. The positions of words, English and graphics are not allowed to be changed.