1. Plagiarism If these trademarks are not registered on environmental protection bags and similar goods, in principle, your use is not infringing.
Almost all of these companies will register on various commodities to protect their brands, and they must register on handbags, travel bags and other commodities. Besides, all you said are well-known trademarks. We should know that well-known trademarks can be protected across categories. Even if it is not registered on the environmental protection bag, it is easy for them to prove that it is a well-known trademark, so it is easy to find that you are infringing.
2. Whether replacing the outer packaging is a trademark infringement or not.
3. Article 57 of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that it is a trademark infringement to change the registered trademark of a trademark registrant and put the goods with the changed trademark on the market again without the consent of the trademark registrant.