To be honest, after seeing so many positive reviews, I felt that someone must be on Yintai. I have bought many things on Yintai, including handbags, skin care products, shoes, clothing, etc. Sets, quilts, etc., I have never seen any defects on anything, and I have never bought a fake product. Every time I buy Intime, I will package it in a packaging box very carefully. , if the items are valuable and fragile, they are wrapped in bubble paper before being shipped. Every time, customer service calls to confirm the order. The attitude is very good. Once the item I bought was out of stock, do you want a reply message from customer service? If you change to another product, you can get a refund if you don’t change. I chose to refund, and the money arrived the next day. Although valuable items are sent by EMS, I still received the goods very quickly, and they were shipped together with the goods. There is also a very formal invoice; if you are buying a four-piece quilt set or something, you will use other Yuantong Express, but the invoice will be mailed to me separately from Zhongtong Express! Intime sells fake goods. I am not speaking for these big e-commerce companies. They started out as high-end department stores with physical stores. They are bored and have nothing to do, so they will set up a website to sell fake goods and damage their own sign? Unless the Yintai boss has a problem with his own mind, he would do this. I have also seen a lot of people online attacking Sephora. They are all trolls. Buyers know very well whether the products are fake or not!