The notation on Master Kong is different from the R trademark.
The R in the trademark means a registered trademark. The circle R is the mark of a registered trademark, which means that the trademark has been applied for registration at the National Trademark Office and has been reviewed and approved by the Trademark Office to become a registered trademark.
The R trademark has been registered and is protected by law. The R trademark is exclusive, exclusive, and unique. It takes a short time to obtain the R trademark and can be used after signing a transfer contract. R is a legally registered trademark. As long as R is marked on the trademark, it means that the trademark has been approved and registered by the Trademark Office and is a registered trademark. Trademarks that have not been approved for registration shall not be marked with R. The differences between the R trademark and the TM trademark:
1. The R trademark and the TM trademark have different indication marks. The R trademark is represented by a circle R, and the TM trademark is represented by the letters TM.
2. The R trademark and the TM trademark have different legal effects. The R trademark is strictly protected by law and is a registered trademark.
3. The R trademark is exclusive and no other person or organization may use it at will except the trademark owner.
4. R is, in our country it refers to a trademark that has been successfully registered and obtained a trademark registration certificate. There are no clear legal provisions for TM in our country. Generally, it is customary in the industry to refer to having been accepted by the Trademark Office and receiving an acceptance notice.
Legal Basis
Article 57 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Any of the following acts shall constitute an infringement of the exclusive right to register a trademark:
(1) Using the same trademark as its registered trademark on the same kind of goods without the permission of the trademark registrant;
(2) Using the same trademark on the same kind of goods without the permission of the trademark registrant Using a trademark that is similar to its registered trademark on goods, or using a trademark that is the same or similar to its registered trademark on similar goods, which may easily lead to confusion;
(3) Selling goods that infringe the exclusive right to use a registered trademark;
(4) Forging or manufacturing registered trademarks of others without authorization or selling counterfeit or unauthorized registered trademarks;
(5) Changing the registration of the trademark without the consent of the trademark registrant Trademark and put the goods with the replaced trademark into the market;
(6) Intentionally providing facilities for infringement of other people’s trademark exclusive rights and helping others to carry out infringement of trademark exclusive rights;
(7) Causing other damage to others’ exclusive rights to registered trademarks.