What is the transfer price for high-quality Class 25 trademarks? We know that many products have their own brands. Trademarks represent the brand of goods and the reputation of a company. They also represent the company's intangible intellectual property.
Take the 25 categories of trademarks as an example. The 25 categories of premium trademarks are closely related to our lives. We all have some single items in our clothes, shoes, baby textiles, scarves, gloves, ties, garments, garments, impermeable clothing, etc. In short, a trademark for clothing, shoes and hats. There are many high-quality clothing trademarks, such as Louis Vuitton (LV), Dior, Gucci and other high-end brands. As the value of the goods increases, the trademarks will also increase in value.
What is the transfer price for high-quality Class 25 trademarks?
How much does it cost to transfer a good trademark? The transfer price of high-quality trademarks is mainly affected by the following factors:
1. Accurate product positioning
First of all, we must judge from the status of the trademark whether the trademark is suitable for the needs of our own products. Before choosing a trademark, we need to plan our own products and positioning, and then look for a highly consistent trademark to avoid choosing based on our own preferences. The higher the compatibility between the trademark and the product, the more accurate the market positioning, the more target groups, and the more acceptable the brand will be.
2. Does a trademark have the ability to protect products?
The top ten commodity items are the standard configuration of a trademark, but only professionals can see the power of trademark protection. There are several commodity items in each similarity group, and they are divided into several parts according to the degree of similarity. When registering, as long as one is selected, other commodities in this section will also be protected at the same time.
The price of domestic trademarks is around 20,000 yuan, but from another perspective, trademarks are extremely valuable. As a unique entity in the world, trademark holders have absolute control over the price of the trademark. The price of high-quality trademarks is 100,000, or even hundreds of thousands, or millions, so the price of high-quality trademarks is not measured by a specific price.
The cost of a trademark depends on the popularity and popularity of the product. The price of a good trademark cannot be low, and the trademark of each brand may be different. Transferring a trademark requires application, acceptance, review, and announcement. The fixed fee for 25 categories of trademarks is 500 yuan, which is paid to the Trademark Office. The transfer price of other trademarks should be negotiated with the transferor. Good trademarks are not cheap. In addition, you should find an agency platform to help pay the fees based on the agency's own situation.