Amount AMT. Abbreviation of Amount; total amount TOL. Abbreviation of Total.
Group A
A.R-------------All Risks
ANER Asia NorthAmerica Eastbound Freight Agreement EastboundRate
AWB: airway bill air waybill
a/c----- ----------account no.
AWB-------------airway bill
ANER Asia and North America eastbound freight AgreementAsia NorthAmerica EastboundRate
Group B
B.D.I-------------------Both Days Inclusive including the first and last days
p>BAF fuel surcharge Bunker AdjustmentFactor
BAF fuel surcharge is available on most routes, but the standards are different.
B/L Bill of Lading
B/ldg.--------------------------B/L Bill of Lading Bill of Lading
Bs/L----------------------Bills of Lading Bill of Lading (plural)
B /R Buying Rate
Bal.----------------------Balance difference
bar. ??or brl .-------------barrel barrel; lute barrel
B.B. clause---------------Both to blame collision clause ship Collision clauses
B/C-----------------------Bills for collection Bills for collection
B.C. -----------------------before Christ BC
b.d.---------------- ------brought down
B.D.----------------------Bank draft Bank draft
Bill Discounted--------- Discounted Bill
b.d.i.--------------------both dates inclusive include the first and last two days< /p>
bdle. ; bdl.--------------bundle bundle; bundle
b.e. ; B/E ; B. EX.---- ---Bill of Exchange
B.f.----------------------Brought forward to the next page
B /G-----------------------Bonded goods
bg. ; b/s-------- ----------bag(s) bags
bkg.----------------------backing banking
p>bkt.----------------------basket basket; basket
bl.; bls.----- ----------bale(s) package
Blading-------------------Bill of Lading
bls.---------- -----------Bales bags, barrels barrels
bot.; bott.; btl--------bottle bottles
br.- -----------------------brand trademark; brand
Brkge.--------------- -----breakage broken
brls.---------------------barrels barrel; lute barrel
b /s-----------------------bags; bales bags; bags
btl.---------- ----------bottle bottle
bu.-----------------------bushel bushel
----------box box
bxs.---------------------boxes box (plural), box (plural)
Bal.-----------------------Ballance balance
Group C
CFR Cost and Freight (