The trademark registration certificate is a certification document obtained after successful trademark registration. It has the following purposes and functions:
1. Legal protection: The trademark registration certificate is the guarantee of trademark rights. Legal evidence. It confirms that the registrant of the trademark is the legal trademark owner and has the right to use the trademark within the specified category and scope. The trademark registration certificate provides legal protection to trademark rights holders, enabling them to safeguard their trademark rights and interests.
2. Proof of trademark rights and interests: The trademark registration certificate is the official proof of trademark rights and interests. It can be used to prove the ownership and registration status of a trademark and show others the legal status of the trademark owner. Proof of trademark registration helps establish the credibility and credibility of trademark rights.
3. Commercial operation and expansion: The trademark registration certificate provides the trademark owner with the right to use the trademark in commercial activities. It allows trademark owners to legally use the trademark in their products, services or business activities and prevents others from using the same or similar trademark without authorization. The trademark registration certificate provides the trademark owner with a basis for business operations and expansion.
4. Rights protection tools for infringement: Trademark registration certificate is an important tool for trademark rights holders to protect their rights. The trademark registration certificate can be used to file trademark infringement lawsuits, apply for trademark customs protection, and negotiate with trademark infringing parties. It provides legal basis and support for trademark rights holders, enabling them to effectively protect their trademark rights.
To sum up, the trademark registration certificate has important legal and commercial significance for trademark rights holders and is an important document for protecting trademark rights and operating trademarks.
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