The trademark registration certificate is an official document issued by the State Trademark Office to the trademark registrant to prove that the registrant has exclusive rights to its registered trademark.
The trademark registration certificate will contain information about the trademark, such as the trademark drawing, registration number, name and address of the registrant, the goods or services approved to be used by the registered trademark and their categories, as well as the exclusive rights of the trademark. Start and end dates (validity period). Registrants who hold a trademark registration certificate can protect their brand and goodwill by preventing others from using their trademarks without authorization.
Trademark registration process:
1. The enterprise is required to provide a copy of the business license, a sample of the trademark and the main goods or services, and submit them to the Trademark Office;
2. Formal review by the Trademark Office (7-15 working days) after receiving the "Notice of Acceptance of Trademark Registration Application";
3. Substantive review by the Trademark Office (about 5-8 months);
< p>4. Trademark announcement (3 months);5. Issue the trademark registration certificate and publish the trademark registration announcement;
6. The applicant receives the "Trademark Registration Certificate".
In summary, the trademark registration certificate is an important document for the trademark owner to own and exercise trademark rights. It is of great significance for safeguarding brand rights and promoting commercial development.
Legal basis:
"Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 22
Application for Trademark Registration A person shall fill in the product category and product name of the trademark in accordance with the prescribed product classification table, and submit an application for registration.
Trademark registration applicants can apply to register the same trademark for multiple categories of goods through one application.
Trademark registration applications and other relevant documents can be submitted in writing or by data message.