The road to trademark registration is very long, and various situations will occur during this long process. However, recently, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce stated that the trademark registration review cycle will be shortened to 6 months by the end of 2018. As a result, the time for registering a trademark has been shortened and the process has been continuously simplified. So what is the process and time for trademark registration in Beijing? How to register a trademark in Beijing? The editor of will analyze it for you next.
1. Beijing trademark registration process:
1. Formal review
After formal review, the application procedures are complete and the application documents are filled in in accordance with regulations, the Trademark Office Issue an acceptance notice.
If the application procedures are incomplete or the application documents are not filled in as required, a notice of rejection will be issued and returned, and the application date will not be retained.
If the application procedures are basically complete or the application documents basically comply with the regulations, but if supplements and corrections are needed, the Trademark Office will issue a notice of supplements and corrections to the trademark registration application. If the applicant makes corrections within the time limit and returns it to the Trademark Office, the application date will be retained; if the applicant fails to make corrections or makes corrections beyond the time limit, the Trademark Office will issue a notice of rejection and return it, and the application date will not be retained.
2. Substantive examination
After passing the formal examination, the trademark application enters the substantive examination. After substantive examination, any trademark application that complies with the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law will be initially reviewed and approved by the Trademark Office and announced.
If the application is rejected, a rejection notice will be issued to the applicant.
If the Trademark Office believes that the contents of the trademark registration application can be revised, it will issue an examination opinion. If the applicant responds within the time limit, the Trademark Office will continue the examination.
For trademarks that have been preliminarily approved after review, the China Trademark Office will announce them in the "Trademark Announcement".
Within three months from the date of announcement, anyone can object to a trademark initially approved by the China Trademark Office.
If there is no objection or the objection is ruled not to be established, the China Trademark Office will approve the registration, issue a trademark registration certificate, and announce it in the "Trademark Announcement"; if the objection is ruled to be true, the registration will not be approved.
3. Request for review
If the applicant is dissatisfied with the Trademark Office’s rejection of the trademark registration application during the trademark registration process, he or she may request a review from the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board will make a final decision on whether to grant registration or not, and notify the applicant in writing. If the party concerned is dissatisfied with the Trademark Office's objection ruling, he or she may request a review from the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board will make a final decision and notify the parties in writing.
2. Beijing trademark registration time: formal examination (about 3 months) - substantive examination (normal) (about 9 months, including three months of substantive examination. The examination time will be shortened to 6 months) - preliminary examination announcement (normal) (about three months) - issuance of certificate (normal) (about one month after authorization, according to the progress of the Trademark Office)