Clothes, shoes, hats and other clothing sold on the market will have hang tags. Common contents on labels include product name, price, barcode, ingredients, size, washing precautions, etc. But some clothing labels also have more complex and rich information such as QR codes and color data. It is recommended to use professional Label?mx barcode software for clothing label printing.
The production process of seemingly complex labels is very simple in the barcode label design software system. The specific steps are as follows:
1. The background color of the image label is red. Just fill the new label with the color. Open the barcode software and set the actual label size in the property bar on the right. In "Background", select red as the label background color.
2. Use the rectangle tool to draw a rectangle on the page, set the size, and use the rounding angle to get a rounded rectangle. After setting the label's appearance, it is ready.
3. Use the text tool to scratch the page, double-click the text that appears, enter the text content on the label in the pop-up text setting box, and typesetting the text by setting the size and type. 4. Use the one-dimensional barcode and two-dimensional barcode tools to draw the barcode in the corresponding position on the page, click the barcode, select the barcode type in the property bar on the right, enter the barcode data and barcode size, and complete the barcode settings and layout.
5. To make the color data on the tag: use the text tool to input the data. In the property bar on the right, click the "Colorful Text" option. In the pop-up colorful text settings, enter the text you want to appear. Number of colors. The color can be selected randomly, or you can add a specific color yourself. Finally, click OK to see the generated color data.
6. Clothing tags all have washed icons, and the software comes with commonly used logos that can be imported and used directly. You can also import your own icons through image import.
A clothing tag label with multiple elements such as barcode, color data, and washable label is completed.
A clothing tag label with multiple elements such as barcode, color data, and washable label is completed. Label mx barcode software comes with a wealth of label templates. Users can simply modify it for their own use.