1. If the trademark expires and is not renewed within the grace period, the trademark will be cancelled voluntarily by the Trademark Office. 2. The trademark owner voluntarily applies to give up his trademark due to conversion, merger, bankruptcy and other reasons. 3. Anyone can apply for cancellation of the trademark if the registrant has died or terminated for more than one year and has not gone through the formalities for trademark transfer.
Legal basis: Article 40 of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC). Where a registered trademark needs to be used continuously after the expiration of its term of validity, the trademark registrant shall go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the provisions within 12 months before the expiration. If it has not been handled during this period, it can be extended for six months. The validity period of each renewal registration is ten years, counting from the day after the last expiration of the trademark. If the renewal formalities are not completed at the expiration of the period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled. The Trademark Office shall announce the renewed registered trademark.
Article 46 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) shall be valid from the date of international registration or a later designated date. Before the expiration of the validity period, the registrant may apply to the International Bureau for renewal. If the registrant fails to apply for renewal within the validity period, an extension period of 6 months may be granted. After receiving the renewal notice from the International Bureau, the Trademark Office shall conduct an examination according to law. If the International Bureau notifies that it will not renew, it shall cancel the international registered trademark.