Class 44 is a classification used for trademark registration and is a regulation used to restrict trademark registration.
The content of Class 44 of the trademark registration category is:
Class 44 medical horticulture: medical services; veterinary services; human or animal health and beauty services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services< /p>
Subclasses under Class 44 of registered trademarks:
4401 Medical services
4402 Health and beauty services
4403 Providing services for animals
4404 Agriculture and Horticulture Services
4405 Single Service
Category 44 Trademark Registration Process and Fees:
1. Submission: same day Submit the trademark application; 2. Reply: The next working day, provide the application number and application receipt; 3. Acceptance: about 15 to 60 days, a trademark registration application acceptance notice will be issued; 4. Review: about 5 to 7 months, the trademark Notice of preliminary approval of the registration application; 5. Announcement: 3-month announcement period. If there is no objection, the registration process is completed; 6. Certificate: The electronic version of the trademark registration certificate and the paper version of the trademark registration certificate are issued in 1 to 3 months; 7. Fees: We provide three trademark registration fees: ¥380, ¥680, ¥1380. You can choose the fee that suits you according to your needs.