1. Positive answer
The difference between copyright and trademark lies in the definition and acquisition.
1. Different definitions. Copyright belongs to copyright and refers to the rights enjoyed by creators of literary, artistic and scientific works or other citizens, legal persons or unincorporated entities that enjoy copyright in accordance with the law for the purpose of controlling their works. A kind of civil right of the object; and trademark right refers to a kind of civil right enjoyed by the trademark registrant in accordance with the law on his registered trademark.
2. The acquisition of rights is different. The acquisition of copyright is generally automatically generated, while the generation of trademark rights requires confirmation by the state administrative agency.
2. Analysis details
Trademarks are applied for registration according to categories, and trademark protection is also based on categories. If the trademark has not been protected for all categories, then registering copyright can play a very good role in auxiliary protection. The trademark application cycle is long, and the copyright application cycle is short. Before a trademark is approved for registration, a copyright certificate can play a certain role in trademark defense. Copyright can prove the ownership of a trademark, and good copyright registration can prepare evidence in advance for future trademark disputes.
3. Copyright cannot be registered directly
Trademark is an inevitable condition for commercial use. There is only copyright. Although you are original, you will be very limited in product use. You cannot restrict others from using the ordinary font of the name to register a trademark. Name rights protection cannot be separated from the trademark certificate. Many platforms must also rely on the support of trademark certificates. Normally, it is recommended to apply for a trademark on the products used by the company at the same time, so as to provide maximum protection with the lowest cost.
IV. Summary
Unlike trademarks, which have specific industry categories, copyright is equivalent to full category protection for trademarks. In addition, copyright protection period is also very long. If it is an individual copyright, the copyright owner can own the copyright for life plus 50 years after his death. This means that not only can he enjoy this right for life, but future generations can also enjoy this right for 50 years. Trademark copyright is the most direct protection for a corporate brand. In the event of a rights dispute, copyright can be directly used as documentary evidence to prove legal rights.