(1) The first step of Shandong trademark registration process: inquiry stage.
Shandong trademark registration inquiry applicant: you can make a general inquiry about trademark registration on China Trademark Network yourself, or you can entrust it to inquire about trademarks for free. If you want to apply for a trademark yourself to complete the trademark registration inquiry, I suggest that you must fully understand the trademark examination standards within the Trademark Office, because the trademark examiner of the Trademark Office is based on the trademark examination standards published by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce at the end of 2005, which will help the partners to judge the general situation of the trademark and thus reduce the risk of trademark registration failure. Of course, if you are entrusted to apply for trademark registration in Nanjing, you will be responsible for inquiring about trademarks for free. The staff of the trademark registration notes will make a manual inquiry according to the trademark name and commodity/service category provided by you, and give you feedback on the trademark inquiry within about 1 working days, and give suggestions on trademark registration.
(II) Shandong Trademark Registration Process Step 2: Nanjing Trademark Registration Process Internal Acceptance The second step is to prepare trademark application materials and submit trademark registration applications. Because Shandong trademark registration application is divided into enterprise application and individual application, the application materials are also different. The application materials that Shandong enterprises need to submit when applying for trademark registration include: a copy of the business license of the enterprise as a legal person, a trademark style and an application for trademark registration. If you need a power of attorney for trademark agency, of course, this will be ready for you.
(III) Shandong Trademark Registration Process Step 3: Review
After receiving the application materials for trademark registration, the Trademark Office will first conduct a formal examination of the materials. If there is no problem with the formal examination, it will issue an acceptance notice and then enter the substantive examination stage. Examination of the form of trademark registration refers to whether the documents and procedures for applying for trademark registration comply with the law. If it meets the legal requirements, it will take about 3 months for the examination institution to compile the application number, determine the application date and issue the Notice of Acceptance of Trademark Registration Application. This is because the Implementing Regulations of Trademark Law of May, 20 14 1 adjusted the review process of trademark registration application acceptance, and adjusted the formal review work such as scanning, inputting, dividing graphic elements, dividing trademark cards, classifying goods and services, and financial reconciliation before the acceptance notice was issued.
The above is the introduction of Shandong trademark registration process brought by intellectual property rights. If you have any other questions about trademark registration, please feel free to go to Intellectual Property official website for free consultation with our customer service staff!
Trademark registration materials application for trademark registration