Legal analysis: It takes about 10 working days to change the trademark registration address locally. If it changes across regions, the time is relatively longer, 15 to 30 working days. If a registered trademark needs to change the name, address or other registration matters of the registrant, a change application must be submitted.
Legal basis: "Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Article 39 If any person commits the act of Article 44 (4) of the Trademark Law, any person may file a complaint with the Trademark Office Apply for cancellation of the registered trademark and explain the relevant circumstances. The Trademark Office shall notify the trademark registrant to submit evidence of use of the trademark before the cancellation application is filed or to explain the legitimate reasons for non-use within 2 months from the date of receipt of the notice; if the trademark registrant fails to provide evidence of use upon expiration of the period, or If the evidence materials are invalid and there is no justifiable reason, the Trademark Office will revoke the registered trademark.