1. I’d rather be a beast among men
? “Everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone everyone "Everyone"
In the above line of the word "人", there is a word "人", can you recognize it at a glance? "Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone”
In the above line, there is a word for “beast” in the word “human”. Can you recognize it at a glance?
No matter In both offline and online channels, a line with the word "人" and a word "ENT" in it is the most common brand status. Although there are differences, it is difficult to detect at a glance, and consumers often do not calmly discover subtle differences. I wanted to be a human being, but I also wanted to be different from others... but in the end, I was neither a human being nor much different from a human being.
The following line is different. It is simply a "beast" and has nothing to do with "human". Even if it has to stink, it has to be very obvious so that people who like it can buy it.
Therefore, if you want to be remembered, you must stand out.
2. Dog bites and man bites dog
Being remembered is not simply about gaining a position. In the 1870s, John Bogart, editorial director of the New York Sun, explained news as "It is not news when a dog bites a man, but it is news when a man bites a dog." Shiji believes that brand marketing should make the dog-biting-man thing look like a man-biting dog.
Because in addition to attracting attention, brand marketing is more important to convey brand value. This is the basic difference from news. It's easy to get out of position, just have no bottom line, play devil's advocate, and whet your appetite. For example, some Internet promoters often break out some hot topics, but few people know which brand they are for. Therefore, it is easy to spread the word, but it is difficult to implement it into the product.
From the perspective of the audience, news is a memory with time as a node, while marketing is a memory with category as a node. Therefore, news is released within a unit of time, while marketing is at the top of the category. Marketing should be more about being upright, and then talking about being extraordinary if you can stay upright.
People often say that writing metrical poetry is like "dancing in chains", and the same is true for product innovation.
Therefore, the purpose of marketing should be sales.