Legal analysis: Trademark registration varies by country or region. For example, our country's Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not within the jurisdiction of China, and are all handled as foreign-related trademark registrations. There is no distinction in other regions of our country. Trademarks applied for registration with the National Trademark Office are protected in areas other than these areas.
Legal basis: "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 8 Any sign that can distinguish the goods of a natural person, legal person or other organization from the goods of others , including words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos, color combinations and sounds, etc., as well as combinations of the above elements, can be applied for registration as trademarks.
Article 9 The trademark applied for registration shall have distinctive features and be easy to identify, and shall not conflict with the legal rights previously obtained by others.
The trademark registrant has the right to indicate "registered trademark" or registered mark.