Safe water, such as chlorine-free water and bottled water, is generally clean and harmless. This is why most people drink "safe water." However, this does not guarantee our physical health! Our bodies need more than just safe water. ?
What our body needs is π water!
π water or energy water plays an important role in nourishing cells and supporting life functions.
According to Dr. Akihiro Yamashita, a professor at the Agriculture Department of Nagoya University in Japan, π water is very similar to the liquid in the human body, and it has survival energy or "energy of life" .
Not all water combines with cells to support life functions in the same way. Living water can easily penetrate into cells and perform all its functions. The stagnant water must be reorganized by the body and reborn before it can perform its functions. Doctors and researchers have determined that drinking living water can improve health and extend life, while drinking stagnant water can cause cell degeneration. Are most of us drinking stagnant water?
Almost everything humans have done to water has damaged or degraded its quality. We have polluted nearly every natural reservoir on Earth through pollutants, toxic waste, and countless chemicals.
There are more than 120,000 chemicals in use today, and more than 1,000 new ones are added every year. All of these chemicals reach our water resources.
Tap water
Water treatment plants use a basic filtration method that uses chlorine to remove microorganisms and contaminants from contaminated water. This process makes the water "safe" because it kills most microorganisms and bacteria, but it also destroys the life-giving properties of the water.
Chlorine is not good for water because it has a strong ionic pull and can easily destroy the healthy crystal structure in the water. Chlorine is also not good for your health. Chlorine has been linked to heart disease, cancer and arteriosclerosis. Boiling water can't remove chlorine? It can only turn chlorine into a carcinogen called trihalomethane. Another problem is that the pH value of tap water is often capricious (as low as 5.5 or as high as 10), which can easily disrupt the body's natural acid/alkalinity pH of 7.35.
Putting water into a stagnant reservoir and then passing it through miles of tubes removes its natural energy and oxygen, destroying the hexagonal clusters of water molecules. By the time you use tap water, the water no longer has any health-promoting properties.
Filtered Water
Many screening programs can remove chlorine and heavy metals, but most still allow certain contaminants to pass through. Parasites like Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia are not killed by chlorine or UV light, and they can easily pass through carbon filters. Radioactive and volatile chemicals are also difficult to remove.
Distilled or reverse osmosis water?
Distillation and reverse osmosis devices remove toxic substances better than simple screening programs, but they also remove everything from the water, including Beneficial minerals essential for health and longevity. ?
Bottled water?
Most bottled water is tap water that has been treated with reverse osmosis or carbon filter systems. Some companies add some minerals, and in some countries (not all), if the label says "spring water", it may really come from a natural spring...but in all these cases, the water is still artificially treated over a long period of time. Entered.
Everything is stagnant water! ?
In fact, almost all screening programs and purifier treatments start with stagnant tap water, and basically no steps are taken to restore the life properties of the water.
Living water has 6 basic properties
Clean, pure and disease-resistant?
Fresh and unpolluted natural water is good for health , self-cleaning, and resistant to disease-causing microorganisms. The exact reason is not yet known, but investigations by the Adolfo Lutz Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil, indicate that living water can inhibit the reproduction of many types of microorganisms. ?
Full of life energy?
The tens of trillions of cells in the body throb and pulsate into a complex system of harmonic frequencies. This pulsation of life enables communication with one another, carrying out important biological and chemical exchanges. Disruption of this harmonic pulsation can cause pain, discomfort, and disease.
Full of life oxygen?
Oxygen is the fuel of life? The more you have, the better your body can perform its functions and the healthier you will be. Most people think that we only breathe in oxygen from the air, but in fact oxygen dissolved in water also enters our cells more directly. The oxygen in the water we drink can reach the blood in 30 seconds; reach the brain in 1 minute; reach the skin in 10 minutes; and reach the liver, heart and kidneys in 20 minutes!
Living water provides abundant oxygen, which is easily absorbed by your cells. It also increases the amount of oxygen you breathe in, which is especially helpful if you breathe poor quality air or if aging or poor health reduces the amount of oxygen you breathe.
Rich in ionic minerals and trace elements?
As water passes through the soil, it accumulates minerals and trace elements that your body conducts and produces billions of Required for electrical pulses. Without these impulses, not only individual smooth muscles, including the heart, cannot function, and growth and recovery are impossible. Two-time Nobel Prize winner Lenas. Dr. Pauling pointed out: "All human diseases can originate from mineral deficiencies."
Minerals and trace elements in water are best for you because they are in ionic form and this form is useful to your cells. The most biopharmaceutical (even better than chelated minerals and colloidal minerals). ?
Ideal pH?
Natural water rich in minerals has a slightly alkaline pH. It maintains the average pH of your body fluids at PH7.35, which is necessary for transporting oxygen, regulating metabolism, eliminating acidic waste and preventing disease.
Important hexagonal structure?
The lifeblood of healthy water is ice. Its small molecular groups are arranged smoothly and neatly to form a perfect hexagonal shape, and it is rich in minerals. ?
The most healthful water has a beautiful crystal-like hexagonal structure, even in liquid form, but is most obvious before freezing. Healthy water, on the other hand, is typically found in large or pentagonal clusters of molecules, or is disordered and formless, even when it begins to freeze.
Why is the structure of molecular groups important? Because it matches the water molecules in or around our body cells. Small molecular clusters can be used completely to interact with other molecules, communicate using energy vibrations, and can easily cross cell membranes to bring nutrients in and carry toxic waste out of our cells, keeping us young, energetic and healthy. Large molecular clusters are disordered, not smooth, and not useful to the body at all.
When tap water freezes, it cannot form a crystalline hexagonal structure.
Of all the properties of water, its hexagonal structure may be the most important, but it is also the most fragile. It is easily destroyed by environmental pollutants and modern water treatment processes.
The structure of water determines our health
Water molecules (H2O) are composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The relationship between these atoms gives water its unique electronic polarity. Water has the unique ability to arrange and transform; to create and recreate; to penetrate and dissolve any substance it comes into contact with; and to collect and store information wherever it flows, giving all living things their life force through these abilities.
Water molecules combine easily with other molecules. In other words, water is very gregarious. It very much wants to be mixed with other ingredients and is happy to take a "hitchhiker" with it. If the water carries good ingredients like nutrient-rich minerals and refreshing oxygen, that's a good thing; but if it carries toxic pollutants, dangerous chemicals, or disease-causing organisms into your bloodstream, that's bad. Very bad!