The English name of the trademark is: "THE NORTH FACE", and the rights holder is "THE NORTH FACE APPAREL CORP."
Regular and authentic clothing has corresponding manufacturers. and contact information, or the certification mark of the trademark licensor, you can ask by phone on the product whether the product you purchased is distributed through its normal channels, and if it is basically judged to be the trademark of the company or manufacturer;
Generally, from Products purchased from regular supermarkets are basically genuine, and there are very few fakes.
Remind you: Keep your shopping receipts or invoices to facilitate rights protection.
According to Article 8 of my country’s Consumer Rights Protection Law, consumers have the right to know the true situation of the goods they purchase and use or the services they receive.
Consumers have the right to require operators to provide the price, origin, producer, purpose, performance, specifications, grade, main ingredients, production date, expiry date, and inspection of the goods based on the different conditions of the goods or services. Certificate of conformity, instructions for use, after-sales service, or service content, specifications, fees and other relevant information.