Logo trademark
Authentic Simmons? Simmons mattress has a big SLOGO with a blue background and a white background, which is simple and atmospheric, with Simmons in English in the middle and the word "Simmons" below, all of which are symbols of authentic identity.
Series identification
Some series of mattresses will also have a special foot sign at the end of the bed, with a series of names on it, such as Beautyrest? Sweet dreams series and BackCare? Ridge protection series.
Quality assurance registration and authorization company
In addition to the above two methods, you can also verify the authenticity of products through quality assurance registration and authorized companies. Remember to log in to Simmons? Simmons official website or their applet, fill in the information on the quality assurance registration page for verification. In the meantime, watch Simmons, okay? Simmons' authorized company in Chinese mainland, currently only four companies are authorized to sell in Chinese mainland.