Depending on the information of the specific announcement on the trademark online, it depends on the comments in the specific information column below, which may be under review, may be an announcement, or may be invalid;
After the trademark is accepted, the registration shall not be approved because:
First, the active examination by the Trademark Office. According to the Trademark Law of China, applying for a trademark in Chinese mainland requires substantive examination. If a trademark identical with or even similar to the previous trademark is detected, the trademark of the latter application will not be announced and the registration will be rejected. This is different from the substantive examination rules in the United States, Britain and other regions.
2. Objections during the announcement period. The Trademark Office takes the initiative to review and considers that the trademark does not violate Articles 10, 1 1 of the Trademark Law, and there is no similar trademark before, so it will make a preliminary announcement for 3 months. During these three months, any individual or enterprise has the right to raise objections against the approval of a registered trademark. If someone raises an objection, the trademark will enter the stage of trademark objection, and whether the trademark registration certificate can be issued depends on the review result of the Trademark Office. Disclaimer: The above information is provided by the member himself, and the publishing member is responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and legality of the information content.