It takes approximately 14 months to complete the normal procedures for trademark registration. The Trademark Office charges 300 yuan, which is non-refundable regardless of whether the application is passed or not. When you submit your registration, the salesperson of Houtian Eye Check Company will contact you and ask you if you have searched? Let me tell you how difficult it is to register a trademark, how many are rejected every year, and then tell you that a registered trademark can sell for tens of thousands, which is also a good investment. Finally, they let you buy their search service, guarantee service and other high-end services. If you refuse, another salesperson will ask you how the service is in a few days. Have you searched? You said there was no retrieval, and then started to sarcastically ask you to buy more expensive services if you said you had retrieval. In short, I am very doubtful about the values ????of Tianyancha Company. If you want to register in the future, you can go to the trademark website to search and submit it yourself.