The exclusive right to use a registered trademark is limited to the registered trademark and the goods approved for use. The rice cooker includes an induction cooker used as cooking equipment.
Automobile decorative steering wheel handle cover car cushion car mat, which category does it belong to?
Automobile steering wheel covers and automobile seat covers belong to 12 trademarks, and automobile carpets belong to the 27th category. Some ornaments, such as pendants, toys, perfume seats, etc. According to their functions and raw materials, hanging in cars and putting them in cars belong to different categories. Applicants can consult various categories of titles and notes.
In August, we applied for the corrosion inhibitor of the second category item 0206-0200 10, but this item disappeared when we applied for the trademark again in early June, 10. What are the problems to be solved?
The Trademark Office has not adjusted the classification of 0200 10 "Preservatives", and this project is still the second category of 0206 similar group.