Trademark registration priority refers to the right to obtain trademark registration first based on the principle of first applying for the same trademark when applying for a trademark in different countries or regions. The following is the general trademark registration priority process:
1. Trademark registration in the country or region of original application:
-Submit a trademark registration application in the country or region where the trademark was first applied for, and Obtain a trademark registration certificate.
-The trademark registration certificate is an important document that proves the rights and interests of a trademark. It records the registration date and rights holder of the trademark.
2. File a priority application:
-In other countries or regions where you wish to apply for a trademark, according to international conventions such as the Paris Convention or the Madrid Agreement, you can file a priority application in 6 countries or regions. File a priority application within the month.
-Priority applications need to be submitted within a specified period to ensure the validity of the priority. Generally speaking, a priority application can be completed by filling out a priority application form and submitting relevant supporting documents.
3. Trademark registration procedure:
-In the country or region where priority is applied for, submit a trademark registration application in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the trademark law of that country or region.
-The trademark registration agency will conduct an examination of the trademark, including preliminary examination and substantive examination.
-If approved, the trademark will be published for third parties to lodge objections. If there is no objection or the objection is rejected, the trademark registration agency will issue a trademark registration certificate.
Please note that the specific trademark registration priority process may vary by country or region. Trademark applicants should operate in accordance with local trademark laws and international conventions, and follow official guidelines.
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