In China, the trademark registrant can be changed.
Change of trademark registrant usually involves the following situations:
1. Change of name of trademark registrant:
-If the name of trademark registrant changes, for example If the company name changes, an individual business owner becomes a company, etc., you can apply to change the name of the trademark registrant.
2. Change the trademark registrant's address:
-If the trademark registrant's address changes, such as moving or changing office location, you can apply to change the trademark registrant's address.
3. Trademark transfer:
-The trademark registrant has the right to transfer the trademark to others. Trademark transfer involves changing the ownership of the trademark registrant and requires trademark transfer procedures.
When changing the trademark registrant, it is usually necessary to provide relevant application documents and supporting materials, such as change application, company name change certificate, address change certificate, trademark transfer agreement, etc. The specific requirements are based on China’s national knowledge Depends on the regulations of the Property Rights Office (CNIPA).
If you wish to change the trademark registrant, please consult a professional trademark agency or legal advisor. They will be able to provide you with specific guidance and assist you in completing the change procedures.
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