1. Different meanings
The outer circle represents self, the inner circle represents consciousness and the outer circle represents unconsciousness.
2. Different contents
The outer circle contains all the conscious and unconscious contents of the self. The inner outer circle only contains the part that can be realized in the individual consciousness.
3. Different relationships
The excircle emphasizes the integrity of the self, and consciousness and unconsciousness are inseparable parts of the self. The inner and outer circles emphasize the separation of consciousness and unconsciousness.
4. Different functions
The excircle is the full expression of the self, reflecting the unified function of the self. The inner and outer circles reflect the state of psychological division.
5. Different boundaries
There is no strict boundary on the outer circle. There is a clear boundary between the inner and outer circles.
6. The equilibrium state is different
The outer circle indicates the state of self-unity and balance. The inner and outer circles indicate the state of self-disharmony.
7. Different applicable objects
The excircle is suitable for describing the self of ordinary normal people. The inner and outer circles are mostly suitable for describing the self of neurosis patients.
To sum up, the excircle emphasizes the comprehensive and unified self, while the inner excircle emphasizes the split state of consciousness and unconsciousness. This is the essential difference between these two concepts put forward by Jung.