TM means that the trademark has been approved and authorized by the State Trademark Office, and R means that the trademark is in the process of registration application with the State Trademark Office.
No TM means that the trademark has not been registered and approved by the National Trademark Office, and is not protected by law during this period. Of course, R has not been authorized by the National Trademark Office and does not have the scope of legal protection.
The absence of TM and R means that the trademark has not been applied for and registered with the National Trademark Office and is not protected by law.
If you need to defend your rights, you can only prove that the trademark has been used, collect its impact and prove that it is your priority to use it. But this is just a drag
The best thing to do is to seize the time to apply for this trademark to the patent office. After obtaining authorization, you can solve it through legal channels.
Trademark approval normally only takes a few months.