Yes, trademark registration is an administrative license.
Administrative licensing refers to the act of national administrative agencies examining the behavior, rights, or qualifications of individuals, legal persons, or other organizations in accordance with the law, and granting permission or approval. Trademark registration is an administrative licensing system. The national trademark registration agency is responsible for reviewing trademark registration applications and judging whether to grant trademark registration permission in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and regulations.
The administrative licensing process of trademark registration includes submission of trademark registration application, formal review, substantive review, announcement period, and issuance of registration certificate. The trademark registration agency will review the trademark registration application submitted by the applicant to ensure that the application complies with legal conditions and regulations and does not conflict with the rights and interests of others. If the trademark meets the registration conditions, the trademark registration agency will issue a registration certificate to confirm the registration rights of the trademark.
The purpose of the administrative licensing system for trademark registration is to protect trademark rights and interests, promote the legal use of trademarks and the healthy development of the trademark market. Administrative licensing of trademark registration enables trademark owners to enjoy exclusive rights to their trademarks within the trademark legal framework and provides consumers with protection of trademark identification and source of goods and services.
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