2. Paging display, please refer to the following process.
Process name: ShowSearchResult
Function: Display search results in the page.
Parameter: None
sub ShowSearchResult()
If currentpage & lt then 1
currentpage= 1
If ... it will be over.
if(current page- 1)* MaxPerPage & gt; So the total investment
If (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0, then
current page = total put \ MaxPerPage
current page = total put \ MaxPerPage+ 1
If ... it will be over.
If ... it will be over.
If the current page = 1
SqlSearch = "select top" & Maximum page.
sqlSearch="select "
If ... it will be over.
sqlSearch = sqlSearch & amp" * from Bs _ Product where Passed = True "
If BigClassName & lt& gt ""then
SqlSearch = sqlSearch & bigclassname =' "& ampbigclassname & amp"
If SmallClassName & lt& gt ""then
SqlSearch = sqlSearch & smallclassname =' "& ampsmallclassname & amp"
If ... it will be over.
If SpecialName & lt& gt ""So?
SqlSearch = sqlSearch & amp and SpecialName =' "& Special name and name;"
If ... it will be over.
If ... it will be over.
If keyword < > ""then
Select case field
Case "title"
Sqlsearch = sqlsearch & like "%"& Keyword sum; %' "
Case "content"
SqlSearch = sqlSearch & and something like "%". Keyword sum; %' "
Other cases
Sqlsearch = sqlsearch & like "%"& Keyword sum; %' "
End selection
If ... it will be over.
SQLSearch = SQLSearch & "ordered by Ackered Order"
Set rsSearch= Server. CreateObject("ADODB。 Recordset ")
Connecticut, 1, 1
If rsSearch.eof and rsSearch.bof, then
Response.write "& ltpalign =' center' > & ltbr & gt & ltbr & gt did not find the product or not.
If the current page = 1
Call SearchResultContent ()
if(current page- 1)* MaxPerPage & lt; So the total investment
RS search . move(current page- 1)* MaxPerPage
Dim bookmark
Call SearchResultContent ()
currentPage= 1
Call SearchResultContent ()
If ... it will be over.
If ... it will be over.
If ... it will be over.
Set rsSearch=nothing.
End joint
sub SearchResultContent()
Size I, strTemp, content
i= 1
do while not rsSearch.eof
strTemp= " "
Strtemp = strtemp & cstr (i) and ".<a href='Bs_ProductShow.asp? ArticleID = " & ampRS search(" articleid ")& amp; & gt"
If strField="Title ",then
strTemp = strTemp & amp“& ltb >; & replace (rsSearch("title ")," "& keywords &", "& font color = red>" & keywords & & amp“& lt/font >)& amp“& lt/b & gt;/b > & lt/font & gt; & lt/a >;
strTemp = strTemp & amp“& ltb >; & ampRS search(" title ")& amp; “& lt/b & gt; & lt/a >;
If ... it will be over.
strTemp = strTemp & amp"[" & amp; format datetime(RS search(" update time "), 1)"]"
content = left(no html(RS search(" content ")),200)
If strField="Content ",then
Strtemp = strtemp & amp "< div style =' padding:10px20px' > & replace (content. Keywords & "","< font color = red>" & keywords & "</font >)&"... < /div >; "
Strtemp = strtemp & amp“……& lt; div style =' padding:10px20px' >& "... < /div >; "
If ... it will be over.
strTemp = strTemp & amp“& lt/a >;
Response.write string
i=i+ 1
If I & gtMaxPerPage and then quit do.
End joint