1. Different translators: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" Translator: Sunong
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" Translator: Ma Aixin
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Translator: Zheng Xumi
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" Translator: Ma Aixin
< p>"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Translator: Ma Ainong Ma Aixin Cai Wen"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" Translator: Ma Ainong Ma Aixin
"Ha Leigh Porter and the Deathly Hallows" Translator: Ma Ainong Ma Aixin
2. Anti-counterfeiting mark: Only the two volumes of "Half-Blood Prince" and "Deathly Hallows" have the words "wipe water and disappear" at the bottom of the back of the book. The anti-counterfeiting mark is colored and printed with the words "People's Literature Publishing House RW HP" and so on. The first five volumes have no obvious anti-counterfeiting marks, but the paper of the seven books is slightly light yellow-green, and they all have watermarked title pages. The illustrations are beautifully printed, the handwriting is clear, and there are no typos. The cover has been specially treated and is uneven, but the texture is uniform and the color is bright and coordinated. The color that looks too bright or faded and the tone is unbalanced must be a pirated copy
3. The "HP" Golden Snitch in the lower right corner of the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" There is no "TM" below the words because when the book was published, People's Literature Publishing House had not yet applied for the trademark to the State Trademark Office and had not received the "Notice of Acceptance" issued by the State Trademark Office. Starting from the second book, there is the word "TM" below the golden snitch in the lower right corner of each book.
3. The words "Harry Potter" on the cover are in different colors. The first volume is gold, the second volume is silver, the third volume is green, the fourth volume is golden yellow, the fifth volume is blue, the sixth volume is pink, and the seventh volume is orange-red or golden-red. The color of the words "People's Literature Publishing House" at the bottom of the book is also slightly different. The first six volumes are very similar in color (approximately yellow), while the seventh and final volume is orange-red.
4. The thickness of the seven books is uneven. The first 3 volumes are thinner, 4 and 6 are slightly thicker (433 pages in 4 volumes, 496 pages in 6 volumes), 5 volumes are the thickest (575 pages), and 7 volumes are thickest (575 pages). (Page 574) Next. However, due to different printing years and editions, the number of pages may vary slightly, but not significantly.
According to your description, the one you are talking about is the genuine paperback version (only the English original version has a hardcover version). But you can also check again based on the above information and make sure it is accurate when giving gifts to others.