Ice bucket, as its name implies, is used to cool wine that needs to be tasted in a cool state. When the temperature of wine is higher than the best drinking temperature, the ice bucket can reduce the temperature of wine to the best in a few minutes. The use method is to put ice and cold water into the ice bucket to the shoulder of the wine bottle. Ice bucket can quickly reduce the temperature of wine to the best temperature for drinking. The styles of ice buckets are ever-changing, which can better reflect the culture of wine enterprises and make wine more noble and elegant.
Ice bucket is a kind of display and promotion equipment in advertising industry, which is suitable for shops, supermarkets, convenience stores, squares and other promotional activities. , suitable for holiday themes and new products, creating a relaxed shopping atmosphere. Flexible ice bucket, ice in the bucket, and freezing beer and drinks in summer are conducive to the outdoor advertising display of brands and the promotion of cold drink culture, thus promoting sales.